Monki Thoughts

Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind.
-T.S. Eliot


Every year in my life seems a little easier. Events and relationships come together and everything has this unity and continuity that were never there before. I know that some people might not believe me, but with time, all those deamons that I am told I am fighting- they disappear. Things have been changing. Relationships. Me. I'm not longer that weak little girl that cannot do anything right. I've grown up and while I still have a lot of growing to do, I, of all people, can see progress. I don't have the liberty to give up anymore. There is too much left for me to do. Relationships- they grow and change as the people involved in them do. I cannot be seen in the same way that i used to be because I am no longer that person. I cannot see him in that way because- not only is he no longer that person, but I dont know if he ever was... And somehow- everything is finially coming to a closure- almost by itself. And maybe you dont believe me... but somehow, with time, things have a way of working themselves out- even when it is in your head that they need to be worked out.

Because I haven't written in so long and because I some how have everything to say while simultaneously having nothing.