Monki Thoughts

Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind.
-T.S. Eliot


Never knew I could feel like this- like I have never seen the sky before... I want to vanish inside your kiss. Everyday I love you more and more. Listen to my heart, can you hear it say- telling me to give you everything. Seasons may change- winter to spring, but I love you until the end of time-
Come what may- Come what may- I will love you until my dying day.
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place. Sunddenly it moves with such a perfect grace. Suddenly my life doesnt seem such a waste. It all revolves around you. And theres no mountian too high, no river too wide, sing out this song and i'll be there by your side. Strong clouds may gather and storms may collide, but I love you until the end of time.
Come what may- Come what may... I will love you until my dying day....

one day i will have need of that song--- so i am just going to keep it on file- for that day when i am someone' is everything that i expect to feel--- and what it lacks- is everything that I will not settle for- I want that.

Such a bad day in someway- but better in others- Some guys are real assholes- and the thing is- the ones that are assholes- finially dont really mean anything to me. I think the reason I fight so much- for myself- when I should maybe just walk away- is because I already did the settling in my life- I dont have to take the shit people deal out if I dont think it is right- if I think i deserve better. because there are others out there- and maybe i will end up some old spinstress and that song will never be heard--- but at least I will be ok... ok with me.


Important Lesson Learned:
Its something so obvious, yet so hard to realize. If something you do not like is going on- something that really should not ever effect you in the slightest--- turn your back... shut the door... step away. Safe yourself the trouble of worrying about it. Sometimes the things other people do, how they act, how they respond to others- thier very being may grate on your nerves... maybe it is something different than a person- I dont know. But you can always turn your back. You can always ignore it. And it is so simple... yet so hard to do... but it can be done. It really can... and how much easier it makes your life.

disclaimer- i am not speaking of issues... of the things that people really need to take intiative over- I am speaking of the little things that might stress a person out- of the things that we really cannot change- no matter from what angle we look at the picture...

... sigh...